Skarpnäck +
Skarpnäck is a district in southern Stockholm bordered by the Natural Reserve, a lake and a highway around it.
To able a development of Skarpnäck in coherence with the already existing natural values.
The aim of the proposal is to fill the missing pieces and connect Skarpnäck to surrounding neighbourhoods as defined in Stockholm City Plan. Densifying the area while making it more connected is seen as a requirement for the future sustainability of the city.
The waterfront part of the project goes beyond the site, touches settlements around the lake and tries to make Ältasjön a new center in southern Stockholm. The DNA shaped green spaces along the centre line gives accesses to public space for every housing which is not neighbour to the waterfront. The old manor Skarpnäck gård will be transformed into a high school where the students could benefit from natural structures nearby. Further Skarpnäck City Park will be developed while keeping the structures today, such as the playground, and also adding new structures such as a fruit garden, water art and an organic sculpture park.
Method: Transition To Green
Skarpnäck + connects with the green area at north. In this smooth resolution building density is reducing and functions are blending into nature while form of building plots are decomposed.